Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Final Countdown...

As I sit on on the couch, I can smell dinner being made. I can hear my boyfriends sister, Allie, attempting to teach her younger sister, Victoria, math. My boyfriend, Richard, sits quietly drinking an obnoxious amount of water because he is feeling under the weather. The wind is blowing from hurricane Irene and the trees are definitely showing it outside. Life is good, but the only things I can think of are all the changes that will occur in only 6 days and how busy I will be before it all...

I've read all about airport security and their procedures. I've called an incalculable number of people. I've been told "good luck!" "have a great trip!" and "you're so lucky!" so many times that it is amazing I have any other conversations. But am I ready? Have I prepared enough, or is it perhaps too much? Will I pack too much or too little? A million other thoughts pass through my mind. But the most important seems to be will I fit in enough that I can enjoy everything without feeling watched or awkward and still stand out enough to be noticed?

I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Which is good because six is a very small number and it is anxiously awaiting to become 0.

Yours truly,

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